About me

Born Brisbane Australia 1971.


Currently I live in Emu Park, Central Queensland which is a small costal town of 3 000 people on the southern end of The Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I live in a Queenslander home and also own a couple of churches next door as well.. Apart from art I am interested in architecture, community work, politics, caring for the environment, financial markets, home grown fruit and vegetables and surfing.

I first got interested in art in the early 1990’s when I used to take girls on dates to art galleries while I was at university. After a while, I discovered that the girls I dated were not interested in art and I found myself going to the galleries by myself. After a while I started to paint for enjoyment. I then started to enjoy exhibiting my own work.

Being dedicated to my art generally kept me quite poor. I worked part time to support my art habit. During this time I was also trading shares which I was quite good at. Unfortunately I never had big funds behind me so I was only making a lot of small wins. When I started working for the investment bank Credit Suisse First Boston I was over being the poor artist. During the 6 years that I worked as a stockbroker I was able to acquire some property and more shares.

In early 2004 my girlfriend at the time felt that I was too obsessed with making money. I was working as a stockbroker during the week and I was renovating or looking at properties on the weekend. Even though I found the work satisfying, she felt that I needed some balance in my life and thought that I should take up painting again. The Money Series was first art that came out during this period.

I launched The Money Series in April 2004 and entered the Yeppoon Rotary Art Competition with the Australian Dollar Series. The series has now been expanded to GBP’s, US Dollars and Euros. Over five hundred paintings have been sold to over twenty different countries in the last three years. I have met some great people in person and over the net as a result of the success of The Money Series.

In February 2006 I left stockbroking to focus on my artwork. Since then I have also launched the Stock Code Series which I see as modern landscapes.

My artwork has developed to where I am exploring the relationship between money and art or maybe I am just painting a subject that I know well. Many artists paint what is around them. I would say that my work is financial conceptual art if I had to brand it. I also describe it as affordable investment grade artwork. I have spent a lot of time studying the share market but I have also studied the art market as well. I am willing to do what is required to make my artwork a good investment. 

The internet is an integral part of my artwork. 

In my spare time I like to pick fruit and veggies from people’s back yards who can not be bothered picking it themselves. This might range from a single tree in a suburban back yard to an entire orchid on a neglected farm. I basically only pick enough for my own use and a bit more to swap with someone else to get some variety in my diet. I find that this activity provides some healthy exercise and I enjoy the economics. I play it like a game to see how well I can feed myself at home without paying any money. The excess food production around Emu PArk really is amazing. This is the land of milk and honey.



It's not art unless somebody buys it.