


The Money Series

To purchase a Money Series painting please email me the number and the currency. I will send you a bill with Paypal. With Paypal you can pay with any major credit card and a few other options. If you do not have a Paypal account that is fine. You do not need one to purchase artwork. Postage and handling is included anywhere in the world when you buy the painting. You only pay the amount painted on the canvas.

Stock Code Painting

To order your Stock Code Painting please email me the Stock Code you would like and also what Stock Exchange it comes from. Currently all stock code paintings cost $US 200. Postage and handling is included anywhere in the world when you buy the painting.

Other Paintings & Artwork

Just send me an email letting me know the art you would like to purchase and I will send you an invoice for the work. 





It is not art unless somebody buys it.

It is definitely art if someone writes about it.